Friday, April 1, 2011

13 to much

So I did something today that I'm actualy pretty against which is weighing myself on a scale. I know i've been getting bigger but i wanted to know how much i weighed and i know most women dont share their weight but i'm gunna do it anyways. i'm 173 which is the heaviest i've ever been and i guess that isnt too bad with the fact that i'm 5'11 but i was 155 in the begining of high school and about 165 when i graduate. i knew it was a bad idea to step on the scale because i've always been big on the while idea of "i dont care how much i weigh as long as i look good." but this number is really kicking me in the butt to get serious about working out and eating better. so today at the gym i ran 1.15 miles in about 14 minutes then did some abs and rode the bike for about 6 minutes before i got bored and decided i was done. i just got to make sure i keep up with working out everyday. i've also deicded on ABSOLUTELY NO fast food, soda, or candy which menas even if james goes to get fast food i will get nothing or i just wont go with him and i need to buy more healthy food when we go grocery shopping but it sucks not having an oven or even a toaster oven because there is only so much you can make in a microwave. so the teddy bear in the picture i bought myself last year in janurary and i sleep with it when i dont sleep with james. i'm excited for this weekend and 3 weeks left of school. i have a good amount of stuff i have to do next week for things should be exciting and busy for me hopefully i still have time to work out as much as i need to. Random fact when i was little i wanted to be a giraffe when i grew up because i was told i could be whatever i wanted to be i wanted to be that.

1 comment:

  1. Fist I must say NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER judge how you weigh now to how you weighed in high school. That is like the number one biggest reason women look down on themselves. so 1. you were JUST starting to go though puberty around the beginning of high school so of course you would weigh more at the end of it then the beginning and for 2. you are now a fully developed women so it is going to be harder to lose weight (or bodies are designed to keep the weight on so you will have fat when you get pregnant. Its natural and will take more effort to lose the same amount). and finally
    3. the best way to see were you need to be at is by checking your BMI and trying to hit the most middle point in the medium healthy rang. That mean that even if your BMI says you are healthy then you try to stay that and not lose to much or gain to much and if it tells you you are under weight then try to put some extra on. Its bad to try and be your own judge when we women are so critical of ourselves. You are beautiful and when see that, even if we were 30 pounds over weight, then you will feel good in no matter what skin your in its YOU we love not just your looks. So worry about the inside and take small strides in the rest. :)
