Monday, April 25, 2011

Its been to long

I know its been awhile since i've posted something so here is  recap. I just got back to school today from our easter break and this week i have two days of exams and then i'm going home for summer. i'm really going ot miss james over summer because we will be 3 hours away but we do plan on seeing each other over long weekends and i'm going to the lake with his family. we just spent easter break with his family and went and had an amazing dinner with a good friend. my allergies have been kicking my butt since yesterday i'm extremely congested and nothing seems to really help. i'm very ready for this pollen to go away. Random Fact i want to stay in the state of virginia when i graduate, i'm not sure where in virginia yet but that probably all depends on things after school but i do know i dont want to stay near my parents and i want to be out on my ow

1 comment:

  1. have you tried the nasil sray? I was told those realy help. Oh and Northern virginia is Wonderful up by the mountins. It looks like another state but its not :)
